Morning Prayer – Sunday, October 6, 2024
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Lord, I come before You to praise You for this new day and thank You for the opportunities You give me. Help me today to have thoughts of love and to speak with kindness and truth. Only You can give true meaning to my life and fill my spirit.
Pour out Your Holy Spirit on me to renew my strength and give me courage. Even when I’m tired, You lift me up and help me live in Your presence. I give You my life and everything that takes away my peace. Help me speak wisely and kindly to those around me, and choose words that build up, not tear down.
Thank You for accepting me, despite my faults, and for transforming my heart into an instrument of Your peace. I trust in Your promises and ask that You bless my works, projects, and goals. Stay with me today and guide my steps, so nothing and no one separates me from Your grace and salvation. Amen.
prayers - 2024-10-06 16:21:06
Thanks u! Ilove God!